The VRS has won the prestigious Archives Advocacy Award for 2016-2017 presented annually by the Western Cape’s Department of Cultural Affairs. The citation for the award reads:
“The Van Riebeeck Society, founded in 1918, has done a lot of good work over many years promoting archives by publishing transcribed primary sources. In this way, the society has made available archival sources to many people and has made the public aware of the richness of history and sources available. The publications are prestigious, with contributors from a wide variety of experts in their field and are available in libraries across the world. Without their valuable work, much history would be hidden.”
The photos below show the award being presented to the Society’s chair, Professor Howard Phillips, by the Director of the Department’s Archive Service, Ms. Nikiwe Momoti, at a grand function at the Lord Charles Hotel in Somerset West on 25 March 2017