Daniel Lindley

Die ‘American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions’ was een van die laaste sendinggenootskappe wat werk in Suid-Afrika aangepak het. Aangesien daar baie sendelinge in die Kaapkolonie was, het die Amerikaners aanvanklik op die Matebele in Transvaal gekonsentreer, en ook op Natal. Hul aankoms het saamgeval met die Groot Trek en die uitbreiding van die Boerebevolking na die noorde en die ooste; hulle was dus in ‘n goeie posisie om ontwikkelings in die Voortrekker-samelewing waar te neem asook die impak daarvan op inheemse samelewings.


Hannah Grout



Having been kept in this land, as on the water, by the good providence of God, on the 16th instant we safely arrived in this place, after a protracted journey of eight weeks and two days.

We were detained so long on the way by the difficulties arising from the scarcity of food for our oxen. This scarcity had been caused, in some places, by severe drought, and in others by myriads of destroying locusts, which had passed through the country about two weeks before us. Our new mode of travelling, all things considered, was more pleasant and comfortable than I anticipated. During the first three weeks after leaving Cape Town the weather was very warm. The days were oppressively hot, but the nights agreeably cool and quite refreshing.

My own health, and that of my sisters, has been much improved by our exposure to the open air and the exercise of travelling. Mr. Lindley says I might pass, without difficulty, for a Dutch jufvrouw.

Mr. Wright reached Griquatown one day before us, which he was enabled to do by the help of fresh oxen furnished him, without solicitation, at the Great River, by two deacons of the church, Old Moses and John Fortuine. Hearing that we had crossed the river, Capt. Waterboer, without a hint or request from anyone to do so, despatched with characteristic promptitude four spans of oxen to help us on our way, for which kindness he has claim to our gratitude.

To place the Captain’s favour in a proper light, I should, perhaps, say that it is the fruit of Christian principles, and for this principle he is indebted under God to the patrons and agents of the Society which has been so long and so ably served by yourself and your honoured husband.

We see here many gratifying evidences that the Lord has blessed the means employed to civilize and christianize this people.

This greatly encourages us to undertake the same labours in the country to which we are sent, with a prospect of ultimate success; though it should be distant, our trials will be light and but for a moment. Here, however, the thought suggests itself that trials of such nature as the ones before us may be less regarded now than they will be when fully experienced. But the assurance given by God to one of His servants is recorded for the support and encouragement of them all: “My grace is sufficient for thee.”

We have unloaded our wagons, dismissed nearly all our drivers and leaders, and are snugly lodged; Bros. Venable & Wilson …