

2023-01-14T11:12:30+00:00October 14th, 2022|Nuusbriewe|

Algemene jaarvergadering en bekendstelling van ons 2022-volume Ons 103e algemene jaarvergadering word per zoom op Donderdag 17 November 2022 gehou, om 18h00 (SA tyd). Laat ons asb per kerende e-pos weet as u die vergadering wil bywoon sodat ons u op 14 November ‘n Zoom-skakel kan stuur. Dis ‘n belangrike vergadering, aangesien ons die voorgestelde wysigings aan ons grondwet sal bespreek (aangebring om te voldoen aan die staat se vereistes vir ‘n nie-winsgewende vereniging), en ons sal ook ‘n nuwe [...]


2024-08-01T12:31:23+00:00October 14th, 2022|Nuusbriewe|

AGM AND LAUNCH OF OUR 2022 VOLUME Our 103rd Annual General Meeting will be held virtually via Zoom at 18h00 (SA Time) on Thursday 17 November 2022. Please inform us by return of email if you wish to attend so we can send you the Zoom link on 14 November. As this AGM will include consideration of an amended constitution to meet state’s requirements for non-profit status and the election of a new Council for 2022-2025, your attendance is earnestly [...]


2024-08-01T12:31:24+00:00November 18th, 2021|Nuusbriewe|

102nd AGM AND LAUNCH OF OUR 103rd VOLUME Continuing the Covid-prompted initiative last year, to hold our AGM online (which saw members from 3 continents and 4 time zones attending), our 2021 AGM will be held online via Zoom at 18h00 SA time on 17 November 2021. To attend, please inform us of your intention to do so and we will send you a Zoomlink on the day before the AGM. Then just log in on 17 November from [...]


2023-01-14T11:06:45+00:00October 14th, 2021|Nuusbriewe|

102de ALGEMENE JAARVERGADERING EN BEKENDSTELLING VAN ONS 103derd VOLUME Verlede jaar het ons, as gevolg van Covid, ons jaarvergadering aanlyn gehou, en dit is deur lede uit drie kontinente en vier tydsones bygewoon. Vanjaar vergader  ons weer aanlyn, om 18h00 SA tyd op 17 November 2021. Laat ons asb weet as u die jaarvergadering wil bywoon, dan sal ons u die dag voor die vergadering 'n zoom-skakel stuur. U kan op 17 November vanaf 17h45 inskakel. Ná die jaarvergadering word [...]


2023-01-14T10:59:13+00:00November 20th, 2020|Nuusbriewe|

Om te publiseer tydens ‘n pandemie HiPSA, en vroeër ook die VRV, is bekend met pandemies. Slegs ses weke na die stigting van die VRV in Augustus 1918, terwyl die Vereniging hard gewerk het aan die publikasie van sy eerste volume (Reports of De Chavonnes and his Council, and of Van Imhoff, on the Cape), is Suid-Afrika getref deur die ergste pandemie in sy geskiedenis, die Spaanse griep van Oktober 1918. ‘Up in Kaapstad …. Coffins at station, streets empty, [...]


2024-08-01T12:31:25+00:00November 18th, 2020|Nuusbriewe|

Publishing in a pandemic period To pandemics HiPSA and the VRS before it are no strangers. Barely six weeks after the VRS’s foundation in August 1918, the new Society was in the midst of publishing its first volume (Reports of De Chavonnes and his Council, and of Van Imhoff, on the Cape, published by the VRS, 1918) when South Africa was struck by the worst pandemic in its history, the Spanish flu of October 1918. ‘Up in Cape Town [...]

Newsletter 56 – October 2019

2024-08-01T12:31:50+00:00November 27th, 2019|Nuusbriewe|

AGM and LAUNCH OF 2019 VOLUME  Our AGM will be held at 17h30 on Wednesday 27 November 2019 at Ravenswood House, 110 Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town. Directions and a map are provided below. For the use of this elegant venue we are once again indebted to the generosity of its owner and HiPSA member, Patrick Esnouf. At this AGM an election will be held for a new Council to serve for the period 2019-2022. Nominations to serve on this [...]

NUUSBRIEF 56 – Okt 2019

2020-06-15T09:28:29+00:00October 15th, 2019|Nuusbriewe|

ALGEMENE JAARVERGADERING EN BEKENDSTELLING VAN 2019 VOLUME Ons algemene jaarvergadering vind plaas op Woensdag 27 November 2019 om 17h30 in Ravenswood House, Hatfieldstraat 110, Tuine, Kaapstad. Sien aanwysings en kaart hieronder. Ons is weereens dank verskuldig aan die eienaar en HiPSA-lid, Patrick Esnouf, vir die gebruik van die elegante woning. By hierdie vergadering sal ʼn nuwe Raad gekies word vir die tydperk 2019-2022. Nominasies vir die Raad deur ʼn voorsteller en ʼn sekondant (saam met die aanvaarding deur die [...]

NUUSBRIEF 55 – Junie 2019

2020-06-15T09:41:22+00:00June 15th, 2019|Nuusbriewe|

99ste Algemene Jaarvergadering en bekendstelling van ons 2018-volumes Die eerste jaarvergadering onder ons nuwe naam HiPSA (vroeër die VRV) is op 31 Januarie 2019 gehou in die elegante Ravenswood House in Sentraal-Kaapstad, vir ons beskikbaar gestel deur die eienaar, Patrick Esnouf, ʼn getroue ondersteuner van die vereniging. Ons is opregte dank aan hom verskuldig. Dit was gepas dat ons, by hierdie mylpaal in ons geskiedenis, twee volumes bekendgestel het, albei gepubliseer in ons eeufeesjaar, 2018. Dit was die eerste [...]

Newsletter 55 – June 2019

2024-08-01T12:31:51+00:00January 31st, 2019|Nuusbriewe|

99th AGM and launch of our 2018 volumes   The first AGM under our new name, HiPSA (formerly the VRS), was held on 31 January 2019 at the elegant Ravenswood House in central Cape Town, a venue generously made available to us by the owner, a stalwart member of our society, Patrick Esnouf, to whom we are most grateful. In keeping with the landmark nature of this event, it was followed by the launch of two volumes, both published in [...]

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