Hier volg die tweede deel van die eerste volume van “Beschreibung des Vorgebirges der Guten Hoffnung” (Hoofstukke X-XIX) gepubliseer deur O.F. Mentzel in 1785.
“A complete and authentic geographical and topographical description of the famous and (all things considered) remarkable African Cape of Good Hope” by O.F Mentzel published 1785.
Otto Frederick Mentzel, die seun van ‘n mediese dokter, is in 1710 in Berlyn gebore. Hy ontvang ‘n goeie skoolopleiding en dien as jong man in die Pruisiese weermag. As soldaat reis hy na die Kaap, al is sy opvoeding aansienlik beter as die gemiddelde soldaat in diens van die Verenigde Oos-Indiese Kompanjie. Ons is nie seker waarom so ‘n wel-opgevoede jong man sou aansluit by die Kompanjie nie. Dalk was dit bloot die belofte van die eksotiese Ooste wat Mentzel bekoor het.
Hy gaan in 1732 of 1733 aan wal in die Kaap. By sy eerste ontmoeting met kaptein Allemann, bevelvoerder van die militêre magte, vertel Mentzel aan sy lesers dat hy behoeftig is. Allemann tree as sy beskermheer op toe hy hoor dat hierdie nederige soldaat ook van Pruisiese herkoms is. Mentzel word aangestel as ‘n leermeester vir Allemann se kinders. Dis blykbaar maklik vir Mentzel te wees om vriende te maak: hy is goed opgevoed en kom ander geredelik tegemoet, terwyl sy skryfwerk daarop dui dat hy ‘n goeie storieverteller is. Sy vertrek van die Kaap aan die begin van 1741 was per abuis. Hy het aan boord van ‘n skip gegaan wat in Tafelbaai geanker was om briewe aan sy familie in Nederland en sy vriende in Duitsland af te lewer. Weens ‘n misverstand kon hy nie afklim voor die skip seil nie, dus was hy op pad Europa toe. Mentzel het nie weer terug gekeer Kaap toe na sy onbeplande vertrek nie.
“De Visch”, VOC skip – 1740 (Nasionale Biblioteek)
Die tweede aflewering van Mentzel se verhale oor die lewe in die Kaap dek ‘n wye verskeidenheid aspekte, van die inkomstes wat tot die Kaapse regering se beskikking is, tot die daaglikse lewe van die burgers, publieke veilings en hoe slawe hanteer is. Hy verduidelik in detail hoe permitte vir die verkoop van Kaapse wyn en brandewyn asook die voorsiening van vleis en ander noodsaaklike artikels op veilings aan die regering verkoop is. Hy beskryf verder die sosiale lewe van die verskillende klasse – van die formele bankette van die hoër klasse tot die dans-en-drink partytjies wat deur die gewone burgers gereël is. Mentzel gesels met en ontmoet mense uit alle lae van die bevolking aan die Kaap: boere, burgers en amptenare, laer sowel as hoër klasse. Sy geaardheid is van so ‘n aard dat hy maklik vriende maak. In sy kommentaar oor die manier waarop slawe hanteer word, beskryf hy in detail hoe straf toegedien word en hoe teregstellings plaasvind.
104 Description of the Cape
[…] and wild-fowl that had been prepared in Holland. Incredible is it not? But quite true. The method of preparation is as follows: A fat joint is selected and well rubbed in with a mixture of salt, ground cloves and pepper. On the following day it is put into an iron pot and allowed to stew in its own fat over a peat fire. When the fat has fully dissolved, the meat should be transferred to an earthenware pot and sufficient melted fat thrown over it to cover it completely. This is most important, for the layer of fat keeps out the air and prevents decay. The chief cause of putrefaction in meat is due to exposure to the air. Game is similarly treated, but should be fried in butter, in quantities sufficient to Cover the bird. When so prepared, it will keep for months. All that is needed to make it fit for the table is to warm it up in its own fat. In flavour, there would be little to choose between the preserved and fresh-roasted game.
The principal occasions on which big parties are given are weddings. The feast takes place at the residence of the bride’s parents, who spare no pains to deck their tables with everything that money can buy. The reception is naturally in keeping with the wealth and station of the parties concerned. Long tables are placed in the guest room, round which about twenty-four men are seated, for the women gather in an adjoining room and are served separately. The huge tables are so loaded with eatables as to leave no room for another plate. There is an abundant supply of local dishes, stewed and roasted meats, boiled and fried fish, pastries and sweetmeats, prepared in a variety of ways, and also a good supply of imported smoked and corned meats. Since the latter are rarely seen on the every-day dinner-table it stands to reason that they whet one’s appetite. The result is that the spiced and seasoned meats are eagerly consumed, whereas the fresh foods are scarcely touched; for no man can eat more than to repletion.
In the eighth chapter of the third book of Kolbe’s “Caput Bonae Spei” the author has given an extremely tedious and prolix account of the life and manners of the inhabitants at the Cape; he talks of visits and parties; marriages, baptisms and burials; schools and slaves, in such a muddled manner that the reader can gather neither information nor amusement. It seems to me that the only purpose he serves thereby is to add some pages to the bulk of his volume. I do not intend to follow Herr Kolbe’s footsteps. I shall content myself with giving a brief but accurate statement of what I have seen concerning these matters and avoid all flourishes and circumlocution.
There is no rigid social code for the male section of the population. Men do not pay each other compliments or make ceremonial calls. Friends visit each other without previous appointments, but no one of inferior rank will venture to visit a superior unless on pressing business; the bookkeeper will not pay a social call upon an upper merchant, nor a clerk upon an under-merchant. When the object of the visit is some pressing business, all that is necessary is for the visitor to give his name to the slave at the door and he will be admitted forthwith. As soon as his business is finished, he ought to take his leave unless the host invites him to smoke a pipe with him. Sometimes an invitation follows to take a hand at L’Ombre or Gravejas: such an invitation must not be declined.
Wedding parties are very mixed affairs; higher and subordinate officials as well as common burghers meet on the same plane. All are regarded as welcome guests of the host and all distinction of person is overlooked. I have seen at a wedding a merchant’s daughter dance with a burgher’s son, and, more frequently, sons of members of the honourable Council will dance with the daughters of plain townsmen. Due deference is, in fact, shown by well-brought up persons to rank and position, but what really matters is that men of quality do not take up a supercilious attitude to their social inferiors when they are brought together occasionally under one roof. More striking is, perhaps, the fact that girls of the best families will, before their marriage, be intimate with respectable girls of much more lowly origin.
Friends visit one another without ceremony. If, as sometimes happens, the host is out, a pleasant time may be spent in the company of his wife and children. A pipe and a dish of tea will be offered as a matter of course; a glass of wine follows. Should the visit come at a time when the host has important business to attend to, it would be very boorish to remain, but if the occasion is timely, a few nearby acquaintances would be called in, and all would indulge in that most popular pastime, the Dutch game of Gravejas. I must take exception to the Abbé de La Caille’s statement that men usually spend the evenings between the hours of 5 and 9 smoking, drinking, and playing games at public places of entertainment. I do not intend in the least to cast any aspersions on the Abbé’s character; I do not doubt his veracity. For all I know he may have been a charming man. He spoke, no doubt, from experience, but—his experience was limited. His host, Mijnheer Bestbier, may not have entertained much at his own house. Besides, the Abbé, as a Frenchman, was seriously handicapped by his very limited acquaintance with the Dutch language, and there were few who understood his own. The fine manners and the studied […]